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Additional scripts

Additional commandline scripts which are not strictly part of the MODIS processing chain.


This executable allows to smooth timeseries saved in CSV format.


For the different ways the smoother can be applied, please refer to the modis_smooth documentation.

csv_smooth expects the timeseries for smoothing to be stored in the columns, therefore each column will be smoothed independently. If a column with dates or another index is present, specify it in --index-column.

Header rows can be skipped using the --skip-header-rows flag. If there are column names or other metainfo (e.g. coordinates) that should not be filtered, the index of the first data cell can be specified using --data-start.


Usage: csv_smooth [OPTIONS] CSV_FILE

  -s, --svalue FLOAT          S value for smoothing (has to be log10(s))
  -S, --srange FLOAT...       S value range for V-curve (float log10(s) values
                              as smin smax sstep - default 0 4 0.1)

  -p, --pvalue FLOAT          P value for asymmetric smoothing
  -n, --nodata FLOAT          nodata value
  --skip-header-rows INTEGER  Number of header rows to skip
  --data-start INTEGER        Number of row with first datapoint
  --index-column INTEGER      Index column number
  --soptimize                 Use V-curve for s value optimization
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


This executable can be used to inspect the raw/smooth HDF5 files. When supplied with the path to a file, a selection of metadata is printed to console, such as dimensions, begin/end date, last smoothing run (for smooth files), ... etc.


Usage: modis_info [OPTIONS] FILE

  Info tool for processed MODIS HDF5 files.

  Returns metadata on processed MODIS HDF5 files, both for raw and smoothed

  --help  Show this message and exit.